One of the biggest popular animated series in the world is Rick and Morty and the quirky sci-fi comedy has gotten an anime adaptation with the aptly titled Rick and Morty: The Anime. Here is when Rick and Morty: The Anime releases, who is in the cast, and more.
When Is the Release Date for Rick and Morty: The Anime?
Rick and Morty: The Anime premieres August 15, 2024 on Adult Swim at 12 am ET/PT, with episodes available to stream on Max the day after their initial television broadcast. There are ten episodes ordered for the first season of the anime seriesā first season, expected to release weekly.
The anime series is not to be confused with the set of five Rick and Morty anime short films that were released between March 2020 and November 2021 that offered a unique twist on the popular animated property and its wacky characters. Though two of those shorts were directed by Takashi Sano, who went on to develop Rick and Morty: The Anime, the set of short films were a separate anime production involving the Rick and Morty franchise.
Where Can I Watch the Trailer for Rick and Morty: The Anime?
After several sneak peeks, including the opening for the series, the first full trailer for Rick and Morty: The Anime was released in July 2024, approximately one month before the series premiere. The trailer introduces the Smith family as Rick Sanchez, a scientist and samurai, draws them into his adventures across the multiverse where they encounter drastically different versions of themselves. Though the animation style is markedly different, the characters remain readily recognizable while retaining the irreverently bombastic tone and comedy of the main Rick and Morty series.
Who Is in the Cast for Rick and Morty: The Anime?
Rick and Morty: The Anime features both a Japanese and English voice cast, with the latter completely different from the voice cast of the main Rick and Morty series. Given the multiversal nature of Rick and Morty, several voice actors play different variations of the same character throughout the series. Here are both the Japanese and English principal casts for Rick and Morty: The Anime:
- Rick Sanchez is played by YÅhei Tadano and Joe Daniels
- Morty Smith and President Morty are played by Keisuke Chiba and Gabriel Regojo
- Jerry Smith is played by Manabu Muraji and Joe Daniels
- Summer Smith is played by Akiha Matsui and Donna Bella Litton
- Beth Smith and Space Beth are played by Jun Irie and Patricia Duran